Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Ticking along

I finally found a clock that I like. I have mounted it in a position where I can see it clearly from any of the locations I normally occupy within my tiny living space, without inconveniencing anyone who might be sitting on the sofa, or indeed sleeping upon its shortness.
This morning (Monday) I awoke before the alarm (this is normal). I heard cooing pigeons vying for pole position before their dawn swoop, just an arm's length above my pillow (this is normal).
But for the first time since I left Greece, I could look across my own space and know the time by looking at the face of an analogue clock which I had selected and mounted myself.
There won't be any more accidental 1am “leaping-out-of-bed-and-making-a-pot-of-coffee-whilst-getting-ready-for-work-before-I-have-realised-my-mistake” situations.
Ticky-tock analogue is a reassuring safety-net.

Photo taken on Monday 25th, but words beyond this point written on Tuesday 26th, time is not patient.

When I arrived home from work on Monday I had received the phone number of a dear friend in Glossa, to whom I had only written, and not spoken, for almost a year. I phoned her and we spoke.
Just wonderful!
After that I picked up my current sewing project and was happily getting under way with that when I received an SMS message from a neighbour to tell me that she was locked out of her flat, so I went down to the street to let her in and entertained her in mine while she resolved her key anomaly. Not a lot of sewing happened after that. Rather more swearing perhaps.

Today, Tuesday 26th, is the first anniversary of the BIG STUFF kicking off. I have enjoyed today.
I made a drawing which made the client happy at its first iteration.
I spoke in Plain English to a bank who chose to get all contractual about their own failure to deliver a promise.
I managed a situation involving one of my colleagues' failure to comprehend the sophistication of a drawing which had been issued in November.
Staying late at work to deal with all that silliness meant that I happened to be cycling past a building just catching fire on my way home. So I dismounted and called the Fire Service.
Arriving home and checking my personal emails informed me that my application to volunteer on the WaterAid Loo-Crew at Glasto'19 has been accepted. I am celebrating!
I will, however, need to source camping stuff and transport. Offers welcome!

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