
By NellieD

Keeping the pediment

Whilst out shopping today, I came across this pediment, one of three which adorned the front facade of nearby Wilson's Hat Factory in Denton when it was built in 1872, but demolished in 2002.

Fred Wilson was an astute businessman who helped to form the British Felt Hatters' Federation and was its president from 1910 until 1912. The business continued to expand and eventually it employed nearly 1,000 people. The types of hat manufactured included fur, stiff and velour and besides a strong home market, it exported hats all over the world.

On Monday, 14 January 1901, a major explosion occurred at Wilson's Hat Factory in which 13 people were killed, 12 were severely injured and 39 received minor injuries. The explosion occurred in the proofing department, which was totally destroyed, and two planking shops were also damaged.

It is understood that the explosion was caused by the ignition of vapour arising from methylated spirit that formed part of a process for dyeing hat bodies. The report of the explosion was heard for miles around and in the immediate locality the shock wave felt like that of an earthquake. Windows of nearby homes were shattered and some residents were thrown violently from their chairs.

Nice to know that a little piece of history from the area remains.

Quote for today:
Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.
- E B White

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