The story so far...


Cool dude

Cam has the most uncontrollable spiky hair. It looks like he has stuck his fingers in a plug socket but mummy thinks this just adds to his cuteness. Apparently so do most of the people who go to our church as cam proceeded to use today's service to check out the church's acoustics. He chatted, baaed and flirted his way through, getting smiles out of those who were previously thought to be made of stone and winding up those who's hearts had been well and truly frozen and didn't appreciate his clucking.
His good mood continued at today's swimming lesson. Although not so good at hold on to the side all by himself (he does have nearly 10kg to support so can't blame him) he loved surfing and being wobbled on the big float.
After dinner at nanny's house, play time and home to bed he really was a pure pleasure today and mummy can't remember him crying once. Why can't he be a cool dude like this every day?

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