Das Boot
What a great day - all day over at the boatyard with an early start too - 11am! Blue skies and a warm sun, though with a cool wind. So, the electrical stuff was put together: my GPS now neatly mounted above the companionway and the depth sounder mounted on a nice little board. And a new anode, sea valves greased up, och, lots of things done. And in between, much chat. I even took myself up to the bell block to have a cup of tea and blether at lunchtime. The great issues of the day were all discussed, as you can imagine.
Though we missed discussing the death of Scott Walker; seems he was enormously well regarded by everyone who was in with the in crowd, as it used to be said. Strange: like others of my age, I was aware of those Walker Brothers hits; after that I don’t think I knew a single person who ever said, wow, a new Scott Walker album. Not in the 70s, 80s, 90s and onward. The wrong circles perhaps.
Half way through the afternoon a shout went up - submarine! We all craned out heads out our boats like so many meerkats. And amazingly enough, I got an iPhone photo of it through my binoculars. It’s German, shouted Denis, U36. I think we must have captured it. Has Boris taken over as PM? Now we’re in a proper position to demand some changes to that withdrawal agreement. Hände hoch!
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