Invaded by Canada Geese
Another superb Spring day. William and I went back to Kirby Muxloe castle for a walk around the moat.
This time, William was fascinated by the ducks swimming and the Canada Geese honking. Last week there had been just two geese. Today there was a flock. Shall have to watch where we walk unless they stay inside the green area.
William started picking things up off the ground after he'd see the debris in the weir. Twigs, fallen catkins, dirt, all were cast towards the water. Then he started picking up leaves. First it was the wood sorrel. The next thing I knew, he'd picked up a nettle. Oh dear. He was a real sweetie about it. I could see that he felt the stinging and itching. He offered me the offending hand so I spat in my palm and rubbed his hand with it. By the time we got back to the car, he was quite unconcerned.
Judging at Nuneaton Photographic Society this evening. It seemed to go OK and I was thanked for my constructive criticism. Met Gerald, father of Paul, and had a bit of a chat. We'd been on two photo tours together.
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