Wunder the ocean.
First day of the 2019 Spring M. O. T. Tour under way. A little confusion finding the car park, but all part of the M. O. T experience. An excellent visit to the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth. Some incredible creatures living in the sea. The octopus & sea anemones were among my favourites, the massive rays swimming in the overhead tank a very close second. Now in our very comfortable accommodation for the duration of stay down here in Kernow. Pasty pie for tea made by Jos, an M. O. T first night tradition. Scones, clotted cream, Cornish of course, & raspberry conserve to follow. Activity, we each bring a game or activity. At the moment
Jos is providing the entertainment. We are trying to find the heating.
Weather sounds favourable for the week.
Note to self. Next time pack the alcohol first.
Mono Monday but not as you know it.
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