And now for something completely different!!

I asked Heidi (who was married to our son who died) to send me a Beto O'Rourke car sticker. She and hubby, also called Matthew, live in Austin Texas. 
We were over there last October staying with them.
Beto almost made it to the Senate last year and has decided to run for President. 
So, I am showing solidarity with the Texan Democrats who have an uphill struggle Texas being truly Republican. 
She managed to send me one they used when he ran for Senate, so I have done a bit of slapdash editing to change it! 
    Makes a change from the unmentionable interminable goings on here in our political system. 
As our famous bard one W Shakespeare wrote, (in a different context in Romeo and Juliet)
"A pox on both your houses!" 
I feel the same right now!! 


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