Emergency Transport

After flying into Munich (our travels had a dodgy start when the taxi to the airport got a puncture but the joy of travelling with just hand luggage meant a wee delay was no big deal) we took the train straight to Murnau then hoofed it out to see S's mum, arriving at the same time as this helicopter. (The hospital is one of the best in Germany and they fly in serious accident victims from all over.) Anyway, she's in intensive care and is going to be there for the foreseeable but she was having a 'good' day and we were able to chat for a while. It's terrible to see her lying there with various tubes, wires and monitors attached but the care she's getting really couldn't be better.
Due to my usual misreading of a train timetable, we'd a dodgy end to our day's travels too but after forcing down an extra, unplanned beer we caught the last train to Weilheim. The flat's still standing, S's mum is hanging in, glad we came.

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