Deck the Halls...

Another full on day - Lily and Red both decided to wake in the middle of the night. Then it was the rugby Christmas bash. Quick turn around including 4 in the shower AT ONE TIME and back into town for the live nativity.

It was very very good and we were pleased to be a part if it - well done to Michelle, Kelly and everyone else involved, you should be very proud of all your hard work.

Ben returned home with 3/4 of the children to get the veg ready (I'd already bunged a pork surprise in the slow cooker) while Bella and I sloped off for a coffee at Nerds with Christine, Terry and Bridget. Highly entertaining. They are all bloody barking.

After tea we put the tree up - it is so big we had to chop a foot off the top!! Ben and I took a back seat leaving mostly Lily and Red to it. It now looks as if someone has vomited a load of tat and glitter onto it. The OCD sufferers will be twitching...

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