Checking out the new pad

It’s been an odd old day.
Wom was awake 4:40, full of cold and feeling very sorry for himself - I settled him, but he was unsettled every twenty minutes or so. Gave him the iPad around 6:00 to keep him for disturbing munchie.
Munchie woke at 7:15
Eventually made it down stairs at 8:30

Daddy went shooting
We went swimming
Wom had a wobble mid lesson - his swimming teacher was really sweet with him, reassuring him that he could do it.

Home for lunch
Wom ate tons.

Grandma came over, complete with my birthday Alexa! Great excitement.
Headed to madresfield court daffodil Sunday, although it was lovely the children were both exhausted which made it tough going. Made even worse that I had taken no food or drink with me! Failing parent!

Home for sausage and mash for tinkers.
Reading done
Baths done
Done in

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