Sunday Morning Beach Run

A breezy day, some sunny spells, and then some wintery showers.  Drier now at night.

I was up early today, and ran peerie Brian to the airport.  He's away to see his dad in hospital.  Better news tonight, and big Brian is on the mend.  I met up with friend Julie this afternoon, and walkies with the dogs.  I did a few hours at the pub, helping cover a shift.  More walkies this evening, and then mam popped by for a cuppa.  Feet are up for the night now.

After dropping off peerie Brian, me and Sammy headed out for a walk.  The beach is always a hit with Sammy, as he can get off the lead, charge as fast as he can, and burn off heaps of energy.  I do have to keep an eye on him at all times, as in the dune grasses, he's camouflaged!  A happy peerie boy, at Quendale beach.  

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