RIP Beautiful Kiki
It’s been a really tough day today. We had no idea what we would be waking up to.
Martin has some bad news from one of his clients, and then a bit later, Kiki took really sick.
She was throwing up and had diarrhoea for nearly 4 hours. It was a really hard decision to make but we had always said that when she got to this stage, we would seriously be thinking about putting her down.
With her current seizures and blindness and deafness, and now internal organs shutting down, we decided that we were going to put her out of her misery. She was in pain today and could barely walk.
We are devastated and cried all the way to the vet’s. And were a bit of a mess when we went in to see the vet. Ben and I couldn’t bear to watch, and left poor Martin there. We were too upset. Martin said she went peacefully. He came and got us so we could see how peaceful she was.
We had worship practice in the afternoon, which was hard but Ben and I pulled through.
It’s really weird at home without her and we miss her terribly, even the loud meowing :(.
She was part of our lives for the last ten and a half years and such a huge part of the boys’ growing up. This is so hard.
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