The Smashing Orangey Bit In The Middle

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

Have any of you attempted Marie Kondo's tv show, I wonder? 

If you did not know, she is this weeks Netflix sensation* and host of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. If this does not sound like the most exciting of topics, you would be absolutely right.

In the show, Marie teaches people how to fold things up and put them away. She also teaches them how to "spark joy" from such endeavours and illustrates by making a little noise ("ooee") when joy has been successfully sparked. 

I don't get it myself, unlike Caro. She loves a good folded knicker, she does. Me, not so much. When I've washed a big pile of undies, I tend to shove them in my knicker-drawer willy-nilly and them shove them down like they are eels trying to escape from a bucket.

This is not to say I am a joyless individual. Just that my joy tends not to be laundry-related. Today, for example:

- I sparked joy when rolling on the floor with Jasper, giving him a big cuddle.
- Also making Punky cat dance by giving him chicken bits
- Also feeding a huge flock of sparrows
- And first thing this morning with this here Jaffa Cake sunrise.

I hope you take the time to spark joy yourself today. Ooee.


* Now that we are all over "Bird Box".

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