A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Back on Land

Our second flight went as well as the first except I chose not to have the first 3 courses of the 6 course meal.

The highlight was seeing the sunrise, the first of the day anywhere on earth. The only concern was hitting a cloud of something at about 37,000ft that caused mini sparks on the wing...

Once on land I drove 270km to our first accommodation of the trip. As you can see it is a cabin set in a 5 acre subtropical garden which also features over 40 sculptures. We have total freedom 24/7 during our stay.

Along the way we stopped off at a public toilet that attracts coach tours. If you can bare to look at my extras you’ll see why. Public conveniences may feature a few times in my extras during the trip, they embrace the need to go here it seems.

Tomorrow will need to be a lazy day exploring the garden and some local historic sites. Thank you all for your commments, sorry I won’t be able to reply to all.

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