Now we have everything

By Gembop


Robin introduced me to his old university town today: Plymouth. We were due to head the 3o mins there from Tavistock on the way back to London but there was no sign of Richard at breakfast or any answer when we tried to call.

In the end we left him a message and headed over ourselves, which worked out well as it meant we got to spend the morning just the two of us.

We headed to the Plymouth Hoe to catch the end of the Remembrance Sunday service at the cenotaph and then walked through the town and down to the harbour for some food and to raid the cheapest old fashioned 'sweete shoppe' I've ever been in.

After a few trips down memory lane, we headed back to Tavistock to pick up a very hungover Richard at around 2pm and hit the road for the slow drive back to London. Our choice of aniseed balls from the sweet shop earlier didn't go down so well with Richard who was on the aniseed flavoured Sambucca all night!

We chose another scenic route back to the motorway to take in Dartmoor. It's a stunning part of the country and begged for a photo opportunity. Rob also couldn't resist one of his infamous jumping shots.

We finally made it back home for around 8pm, just in time to get ready for work tomorrow. Augh!

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