Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Hangover day

Last night drinks were drunk.

Several in fact.

McCombers and I went to our favourite restaurant, (Goulash) and had a bottle of wine with dinner. Then a couple of pubs and a few more drinks later, we caught the late night bus home.

While on the bus Laura was forced to sit next to a young couple who had their tongues down each others throats. When they stopped for air, the guy said to his tonsil hockey partner, "Will you add me on Facebook?"
The young lady nodded and they resumed their very heavy petting.

Laura and I exchanged a look and cringed.

Oh the youth of today.

Any hoo
I awoke this morning with a thumping head ache and a craving for a fry up.

While we were waiting for the sausages to fry,
We enjoyed a starter of Tea, birthday cake and nurofen.
Surely the breakfast of champions?

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