Nuthatch #33
I had a lovely catch up with my old schoolfriends again this morning - I'm so glad we all got in touch after all these years. Someone set up a FB page a couple of years ago for our school year but none of our form wanted to join a full on reunion, but we arranged to meet up for brunch instead and have been doing it every now and again ever since.
After I'd finished work, I went over to Penny flash to see if the kingfishers were about, but no such luck - they've been seen much for ages, so I wasn't surprised. The little birds were all out in force at bunting hide including this nuthatch.
On my way home I dropped in to see my parents - mum is doing OK but the next three weeks will be critical as she is coming to the end of her course of steroids which she had to treat auto immune hepatitis. Fingers crossed she can manage without them and continue with the immunotherapy maintenance treatments.
I will catch up with most of your journals tomorrow as I need an early night.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
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