
Was walking around in the neighbourhood as soon as it got dark to blip some Christmas decorations.
I was most fascinated by these two reindeer because there where moving their heads!

To yesterdays riddle:
I am very surprised (and a little ashamed) because my guess was that the man was out looking for his Christmas tree - a little saw and/or an axe in the bag. The size of the trees was just perfect if you like them small (I do).
I was wondering why nobody came up with that - and all I can think of is that you are simply very good people with no evil on your mind (not like me).
Of course you are not allowed to help yourself to a tree in the woods. I could be very wrong and he just hung up a few baubles to make them look more festive - should have gone back to check on that today.
Or is it you all have your trees up already? We tend to get our trees at home up just a very short time before or on Christmas Eve.
However, that was my guess and now I feel bad because I was the only one with bad things in mind....

18:15 CET 5,6°C

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