A Further Night In With The Lads

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

Caro is in Tauranga for Feefs's birthday. If I were a more sociable fellow I would have gone too. As it is... well... see... Caro sprung this on me like the day we got back from the Bay of Plenty back in January and I was all sociabled out. 

So here I am, catsitting my little hairy flatmates. And to honest, thinking I got the better end of the deal. This morning, I received a series of irate texts from Caro because there was some debacle or other with the taxi,. Long story short, she missed her flight and had to wait 4 hours and pay an extra $100 for the next flight. 

"And now I need an angry poo," she texted me. "And in a PUBLIC TOILET too. Ugh."

That didn't sound pleasant. 

Which reminds me. Last night I heard her scooping up a Punky poo out of the catbox. She was scraping and scraping so I assumed it must have been a nasty, sticky one. And then the smell hit me. 

"Ooh dear GOD!" I said. "What the eff?! Is Punky all right? He smells SICK."

"Oh," said Caro. "No, actually that was me. About three minutes ago. I thought it was pretty bad."

"Oooooogh! Agh!" I continued. "That is RANK. I can TASTE it!"

"Oh it's not that bad ye effing DRAMA," she retorted. But it really was. I wonder if that was an angry poo too? And if you are in a GOOD mood, do they smell of daffodils and strawberry?

Digressions aside, I have since received text pictures of Tiggydog from Caro, so apparently she made it to Feefs's place in one piece. As for me, I have managed to find a decent chippy so it's fish and chips for me and Punky tonight! 

The little chap. He was so excited, dancing about and waggling his tail. It has been too long since we have done this.

Also we are watching scary movies as dictated by tradition. I just watched "Oculus" which was actually very clever. And next up is "Firestarter" which is a bit like "Stranger Things" but made in the actual 1980's. 

So today's picture of is of Punky enjoying his fish supper. I'm not sure what will happen afterward, catboxwise, but it will totally be worth it.


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