Say It With Twigs

After a rather disturbed night I woke to this for a schedule .
Call 1 ..Krankenkasee .in Hamburg  Call 2, House of Hyenas ( department of health) where a senior civil servant  sent me a document . Call 3 to Krankenkasse  in Hamburg to fwd  them the document .They have translators .Call 4  British Embassy . true form ie ( indifferent ) knew nothing about latest Statements  .so I sent it to them ! Then out .Too late for Berlin Krankenkasse office . Back  home exhausted.
So what is my blip .This morning two hooded crows were standing on the balcony looking & showing me the above twig . A present ?  Who knows .I'm taking it as a little gesture from them . Looks very Japanese . Very lovely and so far today nicest thing .

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