The old military harbour, Forthside

When we moved to this part of Stirling, in 1986, it was a very mixed area with different kinds of housing and some interesting industry. There was also an MoD Ordnance Depot where equipment was repaired. Guns and the like used to be brought up the Forth and landed at this harbour which was presumably a lot more functional than it is now. All sorts of pollutants, eg phosphorus, were chucked into the river - fortunately no more. The MoD is more or less withdrawing from his operations in Stirling and the Ordnance Depot closed many years ago. Though I'm sorry to say that we still get the occasional convoy of nuclear weapons in the town - always heavily guarded of course but not a good sight. I guess some people might find that level of weaponry reassuring but I'm not one of those people.

Anyway, this is some of the remains of the harbour. I walk past it on the way to Lidl. I've been doing a wee bit of research into the old maps of this part of the town. The National Library in Edinburgh has a great collection and most are digitised. The Ordnance Depot shows up on the mid 20th century maps but older maps show old orchards and farm lands now largely built upon. Near where our house now sits were, among other industries, a pottery and a soap works.

A very mild day and I've been out in the garden planning for some new spring planting.

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