Escape From Sector 7-G

By craigL

Neist Point

It all looks very Father Ted!

The lighthouse was invisible when we arrived because of mist and the high viewing point above the headland remained covered in low cloud. 
Luckily the weather broke long enough for a few pictures.

Because of the bad weather and it being early in the season, there were only around five cars in the car park. 
This is most westerly point on Skye and the roads to get here are single tracks with passing points and not for the faint hearted.

We spoke to a local who told us the area grinds to a halt in the summer. Apparently impatient tourists park in the passing places and also arrive in camper vans unsuitable for the roads. She said that one time three cars parked in the access to her croft and she couldn't get her tractor to her animals for four hours!

Top tip: Visit Skye in the off-season.

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