Seddon in the Sun

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

This is the view in front of the parliament buildings. It's really very pleasant there, as you can see. You'll also notice the flags at half-mast in the background.

The gent on the left of the screen is Richard Seddon, NZ Prime Minister at the turn of the 20th century. I'm just looking at his wikipedia page which includes many accomplishments, some good, some bad.

The one that leaps out at me though, is that his nickname was "King Dick". No wonder they put up a statue to him*.

Speaking of Prime Ministers, when Jacinda Ardern got the job there was a bit of grumbling from the (older and male-er) MPI staff around me. The usual nonsense about imminent strikes and higher taxes, you know. But I think she's really done herself proud lately. Around work people seem genuinely impressed at the stance she's taken.

It's quite nice. Although to be fair, she will be raising taxes. And we're due a teacher's strike. Look, just shut up about it. I'm voting for her anyway.

In other news, on "Married At First Sight" last night, someone used the phrase, "Well that took the sail out of my wind."

Well played, Reality Telly, well played. 


* Please just assume I made an erection joke at this point. 

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