Old Bat

By OldBat

marina scene

The lovely light and low tide encouraged me to totter down to the marina despite a late return from attending a concert at the Queen's Hall last night (buses are now only 1 an hour in the evening and I just missed 1).

This is not the best photo I managed of a curlew but I quite like the reflections. Should be OK large.

While I was concentrating on taking photos of a shelduck on the mudflats, I realised there were a couple of wrens flying around but of course never still enough for me to capture an image. On the way back, I saw bird of prey fly under the road bridge into a tree. By the time I'd got the camera out, sorted out the light levels, it was off again, so I just have a slightly blurred image of it taking off from the tree! But still lovely to see both the wrens and the bird of prey.

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