
Out early to that Port Edgar to pick up my laundered sails with new UV strip. The SK and I then poked our noses into Scott’s which appears to be proving very popular with a certain demographic. I preferred old Kalinka’s cafe with their filled rolls. And then a bit of money was spent down in the Bosun’s Locker. Nice new navy warps! Out with the rag bag of assorted old cuts.
Onward! Hopetoun garden centre - and we were just there to get ideas. Well, that was the plan, but there was such a fine looking laburnum that we just couldn’t pass. And some snowdrops and a hellebore or two.
Home to spruce up and head to Cloisters, dependable drinking hole if your guest has high standards, alewise. Yes, I hate that construct too.
And to the guest - the eldest cousin’s husband who I’ve only met on a handful of occasions - thankfully, mostly recently. Up from East Sussex he was, taking time out. I’m your man! And we had fine blethers - apart from anything else, sailing and gardening. I can relate to that. And of course, a well kept beer. Our meet-ups could become more frequent...

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