The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


A walk in the woods on the first day of Spring. Oak leaves and dead branches crunched under my feet. A path once groomed and marked as a “Vita-Course,” crumbled and rotted into the earth.

A glorious day of clear blue skies and renewed warmth of the sun,  lost as I walked up the steep wooded path.  Broken trees turned into monstrous creatures, and I felt alone.

I captured many monsters with my camera, but this one screamed out at me with the anger and grief residing within my battered soul.

For 6 months, I didn’t write.  I lost my brother. I dedicated myself to building for a better future. I gave 100% of myself to help repair someone else’s reputation. What a joke.

My perception of my position twisted, or just a figment of my imagination? Ghosted by those who I joked with last week. Hurt, pain, anger. Held inside until a piece of twisted wood screamed into the forest’s void.

I felt reborn, yet saddened by the neglect of this sanctuary, and the inability of humans to care about one another anymore.

Is perception, like beauty, in the eyes of the beholder, or do I perceive the old-fashioned way?

With depth,


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