My YoPhoto book came today

I’ve been doing some preparation for a Photobook talk that I’m giving at Penistone Camera Club this evening so the arrival of this small spiral bound book from YoPhoto was very welcome.  I only sent it off to be published on Sunday evening and it was here by first class post this morning.  I always have a certain amount of fear when I do this - a kind of `what if the colour is totally wrong’ moment.  But the colour is fine and a good match for what I saw on my screen.  I haven’t used YoPhoto for sometime so I thought I’d better re-familiarise myself with it.  Although these book assembly programmes have lots of things in common they all have their own little peculiarities. In the past I used it for the small `family albums’ that I made for family members at Christmas because it did a reasonable job for a good price but I made the last of these in 2011.  

I’ve been trying out the SAAL digital template again too but got an email yesterday to say they could no longer post to the UK.  Is this the first of many Brexit casualties to hit the UK?

Recently I’ve been using BLURB Books as their software is fully integrated with Lightroom which is my preferred editing programme and image catalogue.

Wish me luck - I’ve got a basic structure for the evening in place but partly I feel I’ll be winging it!  (I have done a lot of preparation!). There are suggestions that we move to incorporate more project work into our annual project so I think that phonebooks will be an ideal area to focus on and it will be easier to help people who are working in small groups on a laptop.

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