
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. I hope you have all had a good day.
I decided to get our new Vax Platinum Carpet Cleaner out today. Barry bought it before Christmas, but I hadn't got round to using it until now.
After putting it together, and reading the instructions about 10 times, I set about cleaning my carpets downstairs. I must say, I was impressed! The colour of the water that came out was a dirty brown! You would never think the carpets were dirty, they certainly didn't look it! It just goes to show the hidden dirt that is under the pile. Anyway, I am very pleased with my efforts, and will do upstairs shortly. A woman's work is never done!!
Thank you all for following me. Take care.
Love Theresa x
PS; The photos are of the Vax Cleaner, and my newly cleaned rug.

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