Back In The Saddle Again

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

I have been very bossy today. There has been talk of process and governance and I was the source of it all. I even wrote an Official Document and organised a meeting.

In said meeting, I NEARLY got away with getting our data architects to take ownership of the actual database by simply telling them that this was their actual job actually. But effing LEMON sabotaged me by saying, "THAT'S a bit cheeky!" before I could browbeat them into submission. 

Then Smock went off on one of her irrelevant tangents*. It's like herding effing cats, sometimes. 

So the data architects weaseled out of it. I'll get them next time.

For the record, I love process and governance because it is the opposite of "Sh*t That I Have To Sort Out Later".

But I'm making myself sound cross and I'm not really. Actually, I find this sort of thing kind of fun. I love using Big Important Words, then saddling up my High Horse and taking dobbin for a canter. I find me very funny even if poor data architects don't.

In other news, this is the view from the top of the cable car. It is really very pretty.


* About postcodes. Hers should be based on her local post office, but this doesn't reflect her actual address. Believe it or not, this is one of her very favourite subjects and she was just settling in for the long haul when I deployed a, " ANYWAY..." to get everyone back on track again. For eff's sake.

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