The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Misty River

I dedicated this entire day to the outdoors; the fog, rain and slush be damned. After weeks of being tied to a desk, the wet mist on my face felt rarified and the dogs romping along the banks of the river enlightened my heart. There was no sunshine beating down on my body, but there was brilliant warmth within. My cell only rang once and my computer and blackberry remained idle. I cherish these days of leisure.

I had separate river outings with Bonnie and then Isabella, each time the pups led the way. The recent snowfalls - combined with the rain of the day - made for unsure footing and saturated boots. But wet feet mattered not for we saw numerous red-tail hawks, bald eagles and many groupings of white-tailed deer. We were so proud of Bravo that he did not give chase upon our verbal commands.

And just when I thought my day could not get any better, just as we finished the ravioli and poured the last drop of wine into our glasses, Isabella and Gabriella broke out into a Gangnam Style no less. They had us both (and themselves) in stitches and I laughed so hard that it hurt.

Some days just feel right. Today was one of those days.

I waited all day for the misty rain to clear over the river so that I could get a decent shot of the Showboat on the Mississippi River in downtown Saint Paul. As you can see, even long after sunset the dense air never left. Yet I was undeterred......... and clueless about which filter and camera setting to use. Some days these elements to not bother me but, today, they got the best of me. [Originally I posted as a mono but had a change of mind so, here is an over tweaked color version.]

Tomorrow I am planning a day inside to catch-up on email and blip and a few good books. I cannot wait to catch up with many of you for the first time in weeks.

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