
By asburydan

Wood Fungus (I think)

The above photo is near the path I follow in my neighborhood walk,   The extra is the entrance sign and wall for our neighborhood.  There is one on both sides at our entrance and exit to US Highway 17 which travels the coast in more than one state.  One reason I am posting an extra is I am using a (new to me) used camera.  A Canon S90 camera is still nearly $500 new on Amazon.  I bought mine last week as a used grade excellent at a large on-line seller for $74.21 including tax and free shipping.  So far it seems to do what I intended.  It fits in any pocket,  it has 10 MP, a 2.0 - 4.9 lens and goes from 28 - 105 mm.  All review were good, and I looked at it when new, but didn't want to pay so much for a "in my pocket" camera.

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