This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

me and my heater

Today I had a swap and re-gift with 4 of my friends. We all brought our lovely junk and put it around the house and then we looked at it all and figured which things we would like for ourselves and for our friends and family for the holidays.

It was just one of my spontaneous ideas- everyone seemed to like it and we all got new things to play with and wear... (this shirt for example) and I got the tea pot that I imagined wanting this morning while I was in the shower.

But, if you know me, you also know I am a little psychic.

I chopped off my hair last night and painted my nails and sold two pieces of art in Philadelphia!!! And I sold a piece at home last night as well and after the woman paid for it and as she was about to leave, she said... "how about a high five?" and I said, "right on, let's do it!" and into the air our hands went and we high fived and she walked out the door! And I knew right there in that high five, that people are more beautiful than they are ugly and I still love the world.

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