Here a greenfinch and goldfinch (today, AKA greyfinch and monofinch) are enjoying a feast from the new sunflower seed feeder that's replaced our old, broken one (after many years' faithful service). This one is nice and sturdy and a tad longer than the defunct one.
It probably looked too shiny and smelt strange as, at first, the birds wouldn't set foot on it. After watching from a safe distance for a while, they eventally risked it when hunger overrode wariness. Now they've been tucking in all day.
Thanks to ApolloFly for hosting the Mono Monday challenge and for the inspirational word 'content'. These two seem very content, as am I watching the content of the feeder reduce in proportion to their scoffing.
Added another picture in colour of the whole feeding station alongside the flowering forsythia as my Extra.
Thanks for your kind words on my yesterday's migraine. Today I've simply had a dull headache, nothing like the level of yesterday's, and par for the course after a bad un. Hope by tomorrow to be right as rain.
Didn't go to Digipix today cos of my head, but did have a game of Upwords with Mr PP, and beat him in the very last move by a whisker.
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