The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm


Quickie blip. My original intention was to create an alien landscape, but without using a tripod or flash I couldn't keep enough of the terrain in focus, so ended up with more of a side elevation.

Settings: Program mode, Super Macro, Flash (off), White balance (Fluorescent)(actual light source was tungsten).


Blip #875
Consecutive Blip #088
Day #996

Alien Landscape
Sea Of Chockability
Mug Shot Abstract*
The Evening's Start

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
The Creatures - Pluto Drive (Live On Jonathan Ross Show) (1990)

*Treated macro of one of the spotty mugs that have featured in previous blips, e.g. kitchen wall dresser

One year ago: Smokey, 2104 hr

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