Five Gold Rings
Living in Germany, the opportunities to celebrate Christmas, English stylie are few and far between, so, when a few years ago, musical, Aussie friends of ours suggested a carol 'karaoke' evening, fuelled with food and wine we all jumped at the chance.
But this is the last year, because they're running back to Oz (can't blame them for escaping landlocked Essen for the sundrenched Australian beaches (I wont tell you how close to the sea their house is) but the question we're left with is, where do we get to do this next year?
In the background we have Jenny on piano & unofficial choir master (she has an invisible whip, I'm quite sure) Chris has his back to us & is conducting (because 'The 12 Days of Christmas' takes a bit of co-ordination) and Dave, manfully, mastering the 'Five Go-oooooold Riiiiiiiiiiings'.
A perfect Christmas evening. Thankyou Chris & Jenny, Christmas 2013 will lack a certain something.
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