Enchanted Forest
The reason we have stayed Down South is to support our old orienteering club holding an event on a new map of East Ashdown also called Enchanted Forest, home to Winnie the Pooh and the site of a memorial to AA Milne. The following quote was written on the map.
"So Christopher Robin and Pooh carry on walking, and they walk up to an enchanted place on top of the Forest called Galleons Leap, where there are 60-something trees all in a circle. Christopher Robin knows that it is enchanted because nobody has ever been able to work out whether there are 63 trees in all or 64, not even when they tied a piece of string around each tree as they counted it. In this enchanted place you can see the whole world spread out around you." A A Milne- The House at Pooh Corner.
From Gills Lap carpark you are on a high point and can see for miles. The whole world to Christopher Robin
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