I had a mostly relaxing day today, plus totally finished unpacking, laundry and putting things away - necessary tasks after a long stretch of time away from home. Now I’m all set to start packing again tomorrow, ready for work on Tuesday!
There was cross-country skiing today - from Falun in Sweden. The women had a 10km race and the men a 15km race. I was very excited that Jessie Diggins from the USA got the bronze for the ladies! And Britain’s Andrew Musgrave did very well even though he didn’t make the podium. The sport is dominated by the Norwegians and Russians and they got the first few positions and then it’s Andrew who comes next - from a country not known for a lot of snow and without the resources that some countries give to this sport. I’m so proud of him, and of Jessie, also from a country without the huge resources that the Russians and the Nordic skiers have.
It was another wild and blustery day but at least the sun came out today, in between showers. I wrapped up warm and enjoyed an hour or so sunning myself in the garden. The sun here is behind a cloud, but for most of that time it was warming my face! (And yes, I had sunscreen on!). I am READY for spring and summer!
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