Better Put It On Our ‘Fix-It’ List....

Up and out early to ride while the sun was shining and before the wind really picked up. I got to the yard to find my instructor Polly there and so I grabbed the opportunity to have a lesson with her as I missed mine last week due to the wet weather.

I loved it and China was such a good boy, but oh my days did she push us, I don’t know who was more exhausted me or China.. we were practicing some dressage tests as I am thinking about entering an online competition this month...I just hope China’s 4 legs were not as jelly as my 2 when we finished!

Sushi and I later went to buy him some riding gear in a local closing down sale. His shoulder was given the all-clear by the physio yesterday and so he’s keen to get back riding again, even though he knows he’s still got 3 months of strengthening exercises to do as well. We didn’t get everything on our shopping list, but what we did get were real bargains and so when Sushi eventually goes out competing, he will definitely look the part.

We got home to find Mr Kit back from golf and cutting hedges in the garden. He had taken the broken gate between us and the farm next door off its hinges to get through..I guess that we had better put it on our ‘fix-it’ list.

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