Don't laugh... my first attempts to make a chair for Popeye. The second attempt is in extras, using a metal dish drainer...

The main blip photograph was me building on the metal dish drainer with some old willow screening that fell down in a bad winter some years make a 'comfy' chair for Popeye.

You see, in a morning now the days are starting earlier and the sun is reaching my garden, Popeye goes out for his early morning sun.

First of all he is on my thatched swing. Then when the sun moves off that, he leaps off and runs to the bench that used to be in that spot. Popeye stops and looks for his early morning sun bench, but it is not there...

I moved it some weeks ago when the strong winds were threatening my big willow trees and some bushes and loosening their roots. Everything had to come down somewhat in height so my neighbour's wall was not affected if my trees and bushes uprooted.

Anyway, this morning Popeye leapt off the thatched swing and charged over to the non existent wooden seat. Then he turned round and came to my bedroom window and miaowed and miaowed and miaowed at me. I let him in and he was still very vocal.

The sun was shining...a miracle...I wasn't sure about going out because I hadn't felt too good with my chill in the night. But I double dressed and put two jackets on...

It was quite bitter out, but the sun was shining on my back which felt good.

So, to make a chair for Popeye...

Easy I thought. Just tie wood together, it's only for a cat...

Wrong...I don't have the dexterity or manoeuvrability to do even that...

Second attempt...find a base...ah, the steel dish drainer...put canes in the ground and wood under it to hold dish drainer in place.

Look at the photo in extras...

What now?

A cuppa coffe with cream in...

A second cuppa coffee with cream in...

I remember...there is some willow screening pieces which I made an archway of, that finally collapsed. It did last nearly 10 years...

So, this willow screening is very old and a bit delicate...but I tried to cover the steel dish drainer with it and create the semblance of an armchair...

It won't last very long if his lordship uses it as a scratching post, but hopefully he will like it as his second sunning base early in the morning.

I have more than twice as much willow pieces again, so I can repair it if needed, if Popeye approves of the chair. He did jump on and investigated, but before I could get my phone camera he jumped off and sat down. And that is the main blip you can see.

I would be happier if I could strengthen it a bit more. But no energy left today. And it's been raining this afternoon...

Thank you for looking in and your love.
Take care x

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