Her Secret is Patience

Say what you will about the floating sculpture in Downtown Phoenix, but it’s magnificent. It has been referred to as a jellyfish, a uterus, a travesty, beautiful, bold, stupid, a waste. 
Her Secret is Patience, is the work of Janet Echelman.  She said that she drew her inspiration from the vast Arizona sky and Saguaro blossoms. I’ve never seen anything like it. The sculpture is beautiful, unique and colorful. The way the netting ripples and dances silently in the breeze is hypnotic.

Art, by definition, should say something. This sculpture says that Phoenix is a city willing to think outside the box and is ready to have its own identity. Creating such a unique pedestrian location, not on the fringes of the city, but smack in the middle of downtown is an achievement of people thinking smart and big.

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