London Wetlands, Barnes

On a one day photography course today run by Iain Green - .  That has proved very helpful in terms of looking at the settings on my SLR and realising what I was missing in terms of "White Balance", Perspective, Shutter Speed, Aperture, Focus and Exposure.  I wish I had known about the exposure setting before I blipped those two kites a few days ago. I am going to look up a number of his other courses

This must be stating the obvious to many of you and I realise that when I bought my first film SLR Minolta in 1981, before I went out to Saudi, I did all the manual stuff.  When I then bought my first Canon digital SLR in the 1990's I got lazy.  I forgot all that stuff and just switched to Auto, so i have got to learn again and now how to blend manual interventions with Auto.  I think that this is going to be fun.

London Wetlands Centre is a delight - , and I have started to try to put some of the learning into practice.  I now know that when we go out to Newfoundland, if I get the opportunity to blip icebergs I need to use the Tungsten setting in White Balance!

There were swans a plenty.  One was building her nest and then had a bit of a snooze, and an adolescent had a bit of a run in with a crow.  I rather liked the Mallard having a rummage in the reeds.

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