
Since I am a WORLD-CLASS procrastinator...usually I find myself in my dungeon den on Saturday...doing my Sunday school lesson. I've tried to change my habits...but habits die hard.

I like complete silence. Just me and my electric heater, and my chihauhau...panting in front of the heater. How, and why, does she do that?

But...still my mind wanders. "Things" around me take my mind away from the work at hand. Going clockwise from the top left corner....

1. A moose from naturelover, and her husband Al. It takes my mind to New Hampshire, Wyoming, Colorado. A majestic beast.

2. Buttons in a jar. They were my mom's. Enough said. She passed in March of 2008.

3. My garage sale brass calendar. Time waits for no man...peg hole by peg hole.

4. My mailman figurine. I USED TO WORK!! I USED TO WORK!!

5. A marathon photo reminds me I used to be young...I used to be in good enough shape to run 26 miles...I used to have hair...and I used to wear short shorts. Yikes!!

6. A few book titles that I use to help me with my lesson. It always helps to steal quips that make people smile and laugh. It really is the best medicine.

7. The turkey gobbler reminds me that...if I put my mind to it...I can be fairly crafty.

8. My favorite book...Centennial by James Michener. How Colorado came to be. I keep picking them up at book sales. I have 5. When I get to 7 or 8...I'm going to have naturelover paint a Colorado scene across the binders. Just something else to stir the imagination.

My lesson is done. I envisioned my den as being my man man cave. It has turned into a storage room filled with junk. Maybe if I could quit day-dreaming in there...I could actually straighten it up.

My prayers go out to the people and the community in Connecticut. The senseless shootings leave me dumb-founded, shocked, and stunned. I can't even imagine what they are going through. It numbs the guts the stomach...and it breaks the heart.

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