I came home yesterday because I was reminded I had an appointment at 10.00 this morning. When I received a phone call at 8.00 saying D was unwell, had been for a few days and wasn't going to be available today for my 10.00 appointment I wasn't pleased........initially. Turned out to be fine though - had lots of time to do lots of domestics.........unpacking, washing, re-ordering the house, cleaning the van.........domestic bliss alright!
This pic represents the slow a pace I still seem to be working at.........I heard the crystal clear song of a familiar bird very close by in the garden so I headed indoors, got my camera, came back out, located the source of the song, put my camera up to my eye..............and he flew. Sitting right here in the middle of the frame had been a beautiful, round song thrush. You'll just have to imagine him - it's the only pic I took all day!
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