
By SpotsOfTime

Catstye Cam from flank of Sheffield Pike

... for the sensitive among you, no cereal bars were harmed in the making of this blip ... chiefly because I forgot to take any.
Profound thoughts for the day:-
1) its wet
2) everything is dripping
3) how many times do i need to do this to realise i need new boots?
4) bleak is beautiful too ... but wet
5) rain is very irritating when you wear glasses
6) why didn't i learn from last week? (had to retrace steps as mist on top meant i nearly ended up Sticks Pass)
7) probably no living memories of all this mining history now, how quickly these once industrious lives become ruins and absorbed back into the landscape and even living memories are not lives.
8) beats shopping or having anything to do with christmas
9) Juniper is fab - must do some juniper blips sometime
10) its even wetter than i thought it was - time to burn some wood (not juniper) ...

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