Campervan Kid

By Campervankid


Well I am very chuffed with myself today. Started the day off with a bit of gardening. Just before christmas I took some cuttings from a rose that sister 1 bought me a while ago. These were tiny cuttings and as an experiment I thought I would put them in a pot of compost and see if they will grow. CMV heckled but I said I would give it a go. This picture is what I encountered today, the first time I have looked since planting them, what a success!!!
Cleared away all of the plants damaged over the winder and off to the garden centre, there was a primrose carnival and it was fantastic to look at, so many different colours. Decided to get a few and will plant them tomorrow. There is also a pet shop attached to the garden centre and they are having a photo contest this weekend called "Pet Idol", think we will take Harley there tomorrow as he is very gorgeous and should win it! This competition is a bit different though as you can have any of your pet animals there, not just your standard dogs or cats. I spotted a lady who I initially thought was carrying a couple of ferrets but turned out to have a skunk on a lead!! I could not believe my eyes, I really wish I had taken a picture now as I am sure no one will believe me but she really did have a skunk!
Bit of bad news as K's car was in for its MOT and it is going to cost a small fortune to get it through but never mind that's life.

Just got back from picking car up and ready for bed (you really would not believe I am only 22!)

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