Double Shot Mummy


Different interests

I just love doing art and crafts with Oscar and Bailee. I prepared the shapes for these today after a bit of inspiration from a friend. We sat down at the twin's little white table and I let them loose with the glue, goggly eyes and pieces of card. This is what they came up with (Bailee's from the tree on the right) :-)

It is so intriguing to see how your children's interests and personalities develop. This activity kept Oscar amused for a grand total of about 3 minutes. Bailee would have gone on decorating all afternoon! Bailee really does enjoy her art and crafts. I think it is also that she craves a much higher amount on one-on-one adult/mummy interaction. Oscar is more independent with his play and will amuse himself playing with his train for hours on end.

Two peas in a pod but different in so many ways.

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