I rather like the idea of the One Street photo set, as seen in Ripitup's journal here and the original forum post by 'Kendall is here', here.
Had to go to the Post Office today - 'enjoying' a good twenty minutes studying the out-of-date Pot Noodles and array of envelope of many sizes for sale individually, such is life in a British queue.
The street is Trumpington High Street and this is (entirely by chance) picture number 2. No.1, though not knowingly part of any series, is the door of the former toll gate house. There's going to be plenty of variety - it may not be very long but it has everything from thatched cottages, through office blocks, to derelict petrol stations
<<< One Street: Trumpington High Street.
Sunny this morning, which was a pleasant change. However, it is now bucketing it down with rain.
Very pleasant games evening at Martin & Jules' where, after a shared Chinese, half dusted off Special Delivery (yea!) and half Martin's shiny new Star Trek Settlers (to boldly settle...)
For those familiar with the original Catan, it's exactly the same game (OK, so wood is now dilithium...) with a smidgeon of Cosmic Encounter by way of some special power cards. Fun theming, but visually less clear than the (German) original.
For those not familiar with Catan - go buy a Settlers of Catan this Christmas - for yourself, not the kids. Get some friends rounds and order a Chinese...
PS. That's not pincushion; the building is curved. No, really it is.
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