A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

View from a fridge...a strange self portrait!

Some of you will remember the song by Kim Wilde in the 1980's...or maybe it was view from a bridge?

This is quite possibly the weirdest idea I have had for a blip - black and white version here.

A few months back, I caught a kids art show on tv and they had a camera in a dustbin, on timer, and they opened the bin lid just as the shutter opened. The idea must have been festering at the back of my mind since. And seeing as Corin installed two new shelves into our temporary fridge (I say temporary but we've had it for 3 months now and although it looks tatty on the outside, its clean on the inside and fully functional, so I don't see the point in buying a new one to be quite honest!) the fridge was on my mind. And I went to get a choc chip brioche, the camera was in my hand and I thought "lets have a go!"

Today went like this ...

9.30 am - hair appointment (it was getting too long!)

then back home, read my book and pottered about, drinking plenty of tea.

12.15 - Cinema - Pink Panther 2 - which I thought I was going to hate, but I actually quite enjoyed (went with James and it was a little more entertaining than some of the films he makes me sit through!)

2.15 - home, sandwiches for lunch, then tidied up James' room (how can one small boy make so much mess), cleaned bathroom and kitchen. Read book in the summerhouse, by the fire, and drank more tea, but the floor needed brushing, so I did that as well (easily distracted I am!)

5pm - fight the swathes of worrying people with no common sense at Asda.

5.45 - boil spuds, sear some nice loins of lamb, make sausage meat/sage and onion stuffing balls, put spuds and other stuff in oven to roast. (James wanted the stuffing balls, but actually, they worked well with the lamb!). Lashings of mint sauce. mmmmmmm.

7pm James begins Mario Kart marathon on the Wii. I take photos with some difficulty as the little monkey won't sit still.

Then did fridge blip.

Am now going to get a brew, a donut and then join in with the Wii madness. Woohoo.

Have a good evening everyone...

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