Mink Alert
I missed photographing a sensational sunrise this morning so I decided to head out to the woods to try to atone for that fact. It was a grey, icy morning but I managed to photograph the usual culprits and quite enjoyed the fresh air. On my way out, I decided to stop off at L'il Red's tree to see if he or Fred were around. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a beautiful reddish brown coat and thought it was Peanut so called out to him. He darted around the base of the tree and when he came around the other side....it was this lovely mink instead!
No idea why but he was not the least bit concerned about me but he did listen to other people approaching and hid under a log till they passed (and I held my breath). Out he popped again, so I took this photo of him before he decided to check out L'il Red's abode. (I held my breath again!). After a few minutes, I saw a familiar little ball of red hair come running and jumping. Uh oh...held my breath for the third time!
L'il Red is still alive for a reason...he is one clever little squirrel. He stuck his head into one of the cavities then quickly withdrew and took off like a shot! I am guessing it was a home invasion, and the mink was cleaning up on Red's winter stash. I just hope Red didn't have a little nest of babies in there.....better not to think of that.
Ping. Ping. Ping. And so the freezing rain started so I hightailed it to my car. Spring? Hello? Are you coming?????
Happy Hump Day!!
D x
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