Up Skirting!

Ihad a day off today and was very much hoping to have made the most of it and had planned to go to Sheffield park NT as they allow dogs after 1.30 but the weather was just awful so Bella and I just popped to the local park for a quick run but it really was quick as I was freezing the wind actually took my breath away and Bella nearly took off with her ears flapping in the wind so much.

Worried that Bella might have been a bit bored of us just stuck in all day, we decided to meet Mr W's friend in a local pub.

Bella was just 8 weeks old when she met this shepherd and she loved him, but she was a little wary of him this time. It might have been because he was injured so a bit grumpy.

But she was very well behaved and we were able to keep her lead loose.

Now if these 2 were girls in skirts I could have got arrested for this shot!!!! 

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